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What We're working on!
What We're working on!

Nov 30 2011 2:36PM Posted by PolarisCMS Team
Many of you have asked if we could update our Blog with future development plans, so here we go with what is currently in the works!
Mcommerce - in development, this will allow your clients who have Ecommerce Stores to sell their products on Mobile Phones / Devices. 
Facebook Store - in development, this will allow your clients to export their products to a tab in their Facebook profile, so customers can shop within Facebook
Converting Flash Banners to HTML5 - In development, this will allow visitors to view banners on Mobile Sites.
Updating Features in the Ecommerce Store - In development, working on adding new Feature Product / Best Seller Layouts, ability to edit checkout fields and overall UI experience of the cart
Adding to interface with QuickBooks, allowing easy import/export control to and from Quickbooks.
Stay tuned for more....
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