Home > Products > Products Add/Edit

Products Add / Edit

This section allows you to add/edit products in your Online Catalog

To ADD a product to your catalog, click on "Products" in the left hand navigation bar, then click on "Add a new Product"

This will open the product wizard screen whereby you will be able to give the description of the product, add images, as well as determine any other attributes for the product.  Each field is explained below:.

PLEASE NOTE - Any field with a next to it, means that field is required / mandatory

Enter the name of the product you are adding, i.e "6 Speed Bicycle" This will show as the product title and should be as short as possible.

Select the Category you would like the product to fall under and click "Add >>" This will add the product into this category (Screenshot 2) You can also choose to add the product to multiple categories.  If you have not yet added your store categories, click on "Categories" in the left hand navigation bar to do that first.

Enter the short description of your product here. This is typically a one or two line description about your product which will display on your product listing page.  it will also appear as the description on Best Sellers or Featured Product. Often, this is just the first few lines of the Long Description.

Enter the detailed description about the product here. You can also use the editor to change the look and feel of the long description, ie. Font, Style, etc. The Long Description should be all information you would like your customers to know about the product. For example, the product specification for a computer laptop.

On default this is set to "no".  If you would like to offer this product as a Gift Certificate, select the “Is Gift Certificate” drop down list to “Yes”. The gift certificates attributes will be visible as shown below

Gift Certificate Value – You will have to option setting here: “Fixed Value” allows you to enter the “Gift Amount” of the gift certificate. “Enter by Customer” allows customers to enter the gift amount by themselves.

Gift Amount – This value is used for the gift type of “Fixed Value”. This is the amount that gift certificates can be used to be redeemed at your online call.
Note: this amount is not necessary be the same as product price, which is the price that customers actually pay. This would allow the case where the store may sell gift certificates lower than the face values.

Expiration Type – You can set the gift certificates expiration date. “No Expiration” option means that this gift certificate will never expire.  The gift certificate with “Expire on fixed date” will expire on the specified date.   Finally,“Expire after number of days” is a rolling date that gift certificates will expire on after a customer has bought it for the specified number of days.

Electronic Only
Setting this option will make the gift certificate electronic only. Non-electronic (physical) gift certificates will prompt for recipient name andpersonal notes during the checkout.

The Gift Certificate menu in the left hand nav bar also has an option to print non electronic gift certificates, so you can mail it to customers later.  Also, once a Gift Certificate is purchased, those orders can also be viewed in that section, for help on viewing orders and printing Gift Certificates, please click here

PLEASE NOTE - To assign Recurring Billing to a product, i.e Memberships, Product payments plans, etc, you will either need to sign up for a Merchant Account with Paypal Pro or Authorize.net and ensure recurring billing is part of your Merchant Account.  For help on setting up a Merchant Account to handle Recurring Billing, please click here

When a customer purchases a recurring item, they will need to enter credit card information. That information will be sent to PayPal or Authorize.net for processing. PayPal or Authorize.net will then be responsible for charging customer credit cards regularly according to the reucrring intervals you have setup.  For example, a product is set up as recurring billing with 5 payments of $10.00 every month. When a customer purchases this product, they will be charged $10.00 by PayPal or Authorize.net every month for the total of $50.00.

Once you have setup your merchant account for Recurring Billing and would like to designate a product for Recurring Billing: 
Is Recurring - Select "Yes" 
Override default text - Check this box, if you would like to change / edit the header text that goes above the recurring billing cost/price
Billing Period Length - Enter the recurring interval of your payment. You will need to enter a number, for example - 30, then you can enter the Billing Period in the field below (day, month..etc)
Billing Period Unit - select the unit (day/week/month/year).
Number of billing cycles -  Enter the number of billing cycles for regular recurring payments.
Recurring require shipping address - Set to "No" on default.  Select "Yes" if you require your customers to enter a shipping address for their recurring product


In the storefront, products that have "Is Recurring" flag set to yes will have a button "Pay Now" instead of "Add to Cart".

A recurring product needs to be checked out by itself, without adding any other products on an order. . It cannot be combined with other recurring or non-recurring products in the same order. 

If a customer already has existing products in your shopping cart. When they click "Pay Now" button, the system will ask if they want to move the current products in their shopping cart to "Wish List".  If they click "OK", the existing products will be moved to wish list and the selected recurring product will be in the shopping cart

Once a recurring product is added to the shopping cart, customers can continue with the normal checkout process

Enter a part number that identifies the product and you can use to track the product after an order has been placed

Enter a model number, if applicable

You can upload images by following the steps below:
1Go to Product Add/Edit screen and click the “Add Images” button.

In the Product Image List page, click the “Browse…” button to search for the image on your computer.  The image will be added to the product you are editing.

The first image which is added will be the “Primary Image”. The Primary or main image cannot be removed and will be the default image to be displayed in the product details and product list.  You can add up to 10 images per product.  You can designate any image to be the 'primary"image or remove the image from the product by clicking 'delete'.   If you would like to delete the Primary image, you would need to set another image as the Primary one first.  The image that is marked as Primary cannot be deleted

You can also choose whether you would like this image to be able to “Zoom” or open in a larger image. If you select either one of these, the Zoom and Enlarge buttons will appear on your online store product detail page.In the store, clicking the Zoom button will zoom in on the product setting and show it in a magnified state. If you click the 'enlarge' button it will open the image to show in a larger format.  You can also choose to re-order the images in the image control center.

Enter the Weight of this product. This value will only be used for real-time shipping calculations and is not required if you dont have real-time shipping for your store. .  You can also use the weight dimension tool depending what weight metric you are using.  For help on setting up Real-Time Shipping with Fedex, UPS and USPS, please click here

NOTE - This is where you would choose Custom shipping rates that you had setup before adding the product.   This would be done in the 'Shipping' section of the Shopping Cart.  For help on setting up custom shipping rates please click here

 For example, if you wanted to setup a shipping rate called "Custom" which was UPS Ground shipping for $10, then you would check the box "Allowed" Customers would then see that shipping rate for this product when they checked out of your store.  You can also choose to "Override" a shipping method for any particular product, that will allow you to an individual shipping cost for a single product.

Enter a Manufacturer Name (If applicable)

Enter a Manufacturer Part Number (If applicable)

Enter a UPC code (If applicable)

Enter the price of the product, either as numerics only i.e 125 or with a decimal point i.e 125.50

You can enter specific text you want to display before the price for your customers, i.e Our Price: Includes Shipping & Handling" $125.50

(If activated in Ecommerce Presentation)  

This will be the actual Retail Price of the product. This price will be crossed out, and is only used to show your customers what the actual retail price is

Keyword to be used when customers search for this specific product in your catalog, i.e "6 speed bicycle"

Check this box if you would like this product to show as a featured product on your online catalog homepage.   You can also add these same featured products to your website homepage.  For help on adding Featured Products to your actual Homepage, please click here
Note – You can designate how many featured products you would like to show on your online catalog homepage or actual homepage by clicking on ECOMMERCE PRESENTATION tab in the left hand navigation bar.

Check this box if you would like this product to show as a Best Selling product on your online catalog homepage.   You can also add these same Best Selling products to your website homepage.  For help on adding Best Sellings Products to your actual Homepage, please click here
Note – You can designate how many Best Selling products you would like to show on your online catalog homepage or actual homepage by clicking on ECOMMERCE PRESENTATION tab in the left hand navigation bar.

Selected on default, uncheck this box if you dont want this product to show in your Website Online Catalog

Note: If you would like to setup a Volume Discount price for the product you are adding, you will first need to setup the specific Volume Discount  in the "Quantity Discounts" section of the shopping cart, for help in setting up Volume Discounts, please click here
Once the Quantity Discount is setup, you can select it from the dropdown menu below

Check the box if you would like the product to be downloadable.   Upload the file that you would like customers to upload after they have placed the order.   Once the payment is completed, an email containing a download URL will be sent to the customer.
If your  store only sells e-Goods, you may consider setting “Require Shipping Address” in  the "Ecommerce Presentation" section to “No”.  Then, customers do not have to enter shipping addresses during registration and checkout.

If this is not checked, the product will not require inventory control and will always be in stock and available for purchase.

Note: If you would like to setup a Product Options (i.e Colors, Sizes..etc) for the product you are adding, you will first need to setup the specific Product Options  in the "Product Option" section of the shopping cart, for help in setting up Product Options, please click here
Once you have setup specific Product Options, check the box under the header "Option" to show those product options with this product.  If you would like inventory control for a specific option, i,e "Color" then check the box under "Option Stock"   you will see a box open below it (Screenshot 2 below) where you can enter the specific stock available for this example - "Color"

Option Stock Fields

Click "Related Products" if you want to show Related or Recommended Products with the product you are adding (see screenshot III below)

You can Filter by Category to search for the Sku you want to add, enter the Sku number or search / add the product name.  Click "OK" when done


(If activated in Ecommerce Presentation) This is the rating of this product given by you (as opposed to a customer rating). i.e - 4.5 - this would represent 4.5 stars.  To set the number of stars for this rating, click on Ecommerce Presentation and change the Product Rating Setting there.

Check this box if this product has already been exported to Quickbooks.  For help on setting up Quickbooks Export, please click here

Note: If you would like to setup a Product Search (i.e you can create specific dropdown searches for products i.e you should show different clothing manufacturers where customers could select to go to those products) for the product you are adding, you will first need to setup the specific Product Search  in the "Product Groups" section of the shopping cart, for help in setting up Product Search, please click here
Once you have created a new Product Search and want to add it to the product, select it from the dropdown menu

Note: If you would like to setup a specific Tax Class (i.e State or Country Tax) for the product you are adding, you will first need to setup the specific Tax Class in the "Tax Class" section of the shopping cart, for help in setting up Tax Classes please click here
Once you have setup a Tax Class and would like to add it to the product, select it from the dropdown menu

This feature can be enabled if you have content or pages you want customers to be directed to directly after purchasing.  For example, if you have a membership based website which gives customers access to restricted content after they have subscribed.   NOTE - You would need to setup the password protected pages in the Website Builder first.  For help on setting up password protected pages, please click here

Select which categories best fit the product you are adding if you wish to add your product to the marketplace

Click "Add Product" to add the product to your Online Catalog

See also

Product List